Voter Guide 2024

Wake County Voter Guide


In this all important year, we are recommending that you vote a full Republican ballot. We understand that sometimes our ideal candidates are not selected in the primary and others are not ideal.  However, Democrats (who we know will be much worse than our worse RINO) are using every office they can to force their agenda into our government.  Hold your nose if you have to, but there are some really good people in here.


The following are in ballot order. NOTE: Races are not arranged by party in the same order, it's random - and don't forget "Yes" on the Constitutional Amendment and "No" on the Bonds!


President/VP - Donald J Trump/J D Vance

US House CD-2 - Alan Swain

US House CD-4 - Eric Blankenburg

US House CD-13 - Brad Knott

Governor - Mark Robinson

Lt Gov - Hal Weatherman

Atty General - Dan Bishop

Auditor - Dave Boliek

Comm of Agriculture - Steve Troxler

Comm of Insurance - Mike Causey

Comm of Labor - Luke Farley

Secty of State - Chad Brown

Supt of Public Instruction - Michelle Morrow

Treasurer - Brad Briner

NC Supreme Court - Jefferson G Griffin

NC Court of Appeals 12 - Tom Murry

NC Court of Appeals 14 - Valerie Zachary

NC Court of Appeals 15 - Chris Freeman

NC Senate 13 - Scott Lassiter

NC Senate 14 - Angela McCarty

NC Senate 15 - David Bankert

NC Senate 18 - Ashlee Adams

NC House 11 - Philip Hensley

NC House 21 - Mary Miskimon

NC House 35 - Mike Shietzelt

NC House 36 - Becki Allen

NC House 37 - Erin Paré

NC House 40 - Jerry Doliner

NC Superior Court 10A - Vartan A (Woofer) Davidian III

NC Superior Court 10C - Becky Holt

NC Superior Court 10F - Graham Shirley

NC District Court 10D - Karl Roth

Wake Co. Commissioner 6 - Jacob Arthur


"Non-Partisan" Races

School Board 3 - Wing Ng

School Board 5 - Ted Hills

School Board 6 - Josh Points

School Board 8 - Elizabeth McDuffie

Soil & Water - Mark Boone


Raleigh City Council

Mayor - Paul Fitts

District A - Whitney Hill

District B - Jennifer McCollum

District C - Tomara DeCosta

At-Large - James Bledsoe



FOR - Constitutional Amendment to ensure only citizens vote

AGAINST - all bonds